Why This Phase of the Project Makes Every Homeowner Anxious
Photo courtesy of Colonial Concepts
The past week I had the same conversation with two clients that inspired me to share something with all of you.
Both of my clients are currently at the same point in their separate kitchen renovations – either the countertops were just installed or they are about to be installed – and both couples are getting a bit antsy about completion of the project.
I’ll tell you a little secret, most homeowners get VERY anxious at this exact phase of the project. Why? It’s because it looks like nothing is happening. You see, the construction process for a kitchen is pretty much the same on every project. What you actually see happening is drastically different from the beginning to the end of the project, when you are close to the finish line but not quite there – so close, yet so far away.
The first week of a project is usually very dramatic. The furniture is moved out, walls get knocked down, and the dumpster gets filled up. There is so much going on! It can be so liberating to see all the old (and sometimes ugly) literally going out the door.
The next week is often about building new walls, running new wire or plumbing, and dealing with ductwork. While not the pretty part of home renovations, this point is very visual so homeowners can actually see progress being made.
Then the new drywall gets installed. This is the part of the project where your construction site starts to feel like an actual room again. It starts to become much easier to visualize what your space will actually look like when the project is completed.
Finally, the cabinetry goes in! Your project is so close to being completed and you can almost taste all of those delicious dinners you’ll be cooking in your new space.
Then it feels like things slow down. A LOT.
Right after the cabinets are installed, they template for the countertops. After they are templated, they are sent to the fabricator to be custom cut, a process that can take between 1-3 weeks. Everything else that needs to be completed can’t be done until the countertops are installed. This means that your construction team can’t install your backsplash, finish plumbing, or wrap up any remaining major components of the design.
During this time, most contractors focus on finishing work, like paint touch-ups and window trim. These are things that definitely need to be finished but they still keep you from using your kitchen. This is where homeowners usually get frustrated. You can see your dream kitchen coming to life. It is almost done, but not to the point where you can actually use it.
If you ever find yourself in this situation – and if you plan on updating a kitchen one day, you will! – know that it’s normal to feel anxious. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do but wait. The great news is that you’re in the home stretch. More importantly, it will be worth it! Your kitchen is going to last YEARS, so a few weeks in the grand scheme of things isn’t the end of the world. This helpless, anxious feeling will pass. It’s just part of the kitchen renovation process.